Posted by Loren | 10:16 AM | | 0 comments »

Hey All,

It is a glorious Thursday morning and this is my first ever "Blog". I have read blogs from many different people about many different topics. I have to say, that the whole blog experience has been very enlightening for me. When I first learned of this "blog" thing, I really didn't get it. Why would I want to sit around and read random thoughts from someone else's mind? I have enough problems dealing with the thoughts of my own mind sometimes! But, as I have been able to learn over the past year, when you think that you have something, or anything for that matter, figured out, that is really when the world can come crashing in and let you know how small you really are. So as I have been re-focusing my heart this past year to be open to new and different ways to be taught, I have embraced the "Blog" in a major way. I have been challenged by the blogs that I follow in a major way. I am able to hear the heart and passion that others have for their cause, AND it helps me to process my own thoughts and grow and dream and LIVE for what makes my heart on fire! Any and all of you who know me, realize that passion is for Jesus and sharing His message to PEOPLE. Real People who are living among us who need to know CHRIST Loves them AND that no matter how screwed up things are in their life.........HE wants them and cares for them more than anything in the world! He wants their brokenness, their hurt, their pain, their incompleteness, their disease, their addiction, their sexual preference, their bills and debts, their broken marriages, their divorces, AND their desire to be in control........................................He doesn't need you, He wants you!!! Is this blog going to change your life? Maybe not. Will it challenge you to think differently than you have done in the past and ask you to get uncomfortable? Probably so. Guys, we have to share our All-Loving Jesus with those that don't know, don't care, don't want to know, in a manner that speaks to them and in a way other churches and people aren't. We have to be different. We have to think different. We have to act different.

I watched a video this morning that touched me in a big way! We all have our problems like I listed above, but God wants us to use the heart and the talents He has given us to share a relationship with someone so that they may come to know Him.

I hope you enjoyed my first blog and come back for more..............