Life's too short...

Posted by Jessica | 12:28 PM | | 0 comments »

You know, for years, one of my favorite sayings has been:

"Life's too short to hang around a bunch of people who don't realize how wonderful you are."

Now, I recognize on first glance that could seem a little arrogant. But I believe that it is ABSOLUTELY true. We all vascillate from moments of vanity to moments of insecurity, depending on the situation, but I believe THIS to be true-

In general, we should surround ourselves with people who see the potential in us that we don't yet see...people who will help us stretch and grow into all God created us to be.

Unfortunately, if we aren't careful, we'll find ourselves in the opposite situation instead, surrounded by people who really don't see what we bring to the table, and never will. Then we find ourselves trying to continuously prove ourselves and justify our position, our worth, and our value. That can be a full time job.

Sometimes, you just have to step off the treadmill of trying to measure up to other people's standards. Life's too short...