Sometimes We Have to Face Our Fears
by : Perry Noble

God taught me yet another lesson through my little girl during the recent snow storm we had here in the upstate - There are times when He will place us right in the middle of what we fear the most to prove to us HIS power and also to show us that, many times, what we are fearing should not be feared at all.
Let me explain…
Lucretia got Charisse dressed the morning after it snowed and I took her outside. She had a very confused look on her face while I tried to explain to her it was snow.
We stepped out in the yard and I put her down in the snow…she FREAKED OUT! Seriously, it was a complete meltdown…she was scared out of her mind because I had placed her in an environment with which she was not familiar…and it made her VERY uncomfortable.
SO…I scooped her up and gave her a huge hug, told her it would be alright and then walked around in the snow holding her.
She was fine as long as I held her…so…I decided to try to put her down again…and she began freaking out before her feet ever touched the ground!
I tried reasoning with her. I explained to her that the snow would not hurt her. I told her I would be right there with her…but none of that brought her any level of comfort…she didn’t want to get in the snow.
After about 10 minutes I decided that she had to get over her fears. (I didn’t want us to have the kid that pee’d her pants every time i snowed and refused to go outside!) I knew the snow would not hurt her…I knew I would be right there with her…and I knew the ONLY way for her to get past this was to face her fear head on.
SO…I put her down in the snow, took five steps and then turned around and looked at her.
Yes, she cried. Yes, my heart was hurting to see her cry…but I told her, “Charisse, walk to daddy.” She proceeded to hold out her arms to me…but me picking her up would not have helped her get past something that didn’t need to hold her captive.
So…I said once again, “Charisse, walk to daddy–there is nothing to be afraid of.”
All of a sudden she stopped crying, she literally just cut it off. (Isn’t it funny how kids can do that?) And then she took a step…then another…then another until she finally made it to me (to which I DID pick her up and give her a big hug.)
Afterwards she looked at me and said, “down!” (Which means please put me down!) I said, “do you want to play in the snow?” And she nodded her head yes!
For the rest of the morning she and I played in the snow and had a blast…we built a snowman, I pulled Lucretia and her on the sled…it was awesome! What once held her captive was now something she rejoiced in!BUT…it would not have been possible had I not, as her father, been willing to place her in an environment that forced her to overcome a fear that had no place having any control over her life.
I think the Lord does the same thing for HIS children.
So many times I have found myself held captive by fear…the ungodly kind. The kind of fear that paralyzes…thoughts like…
“What if I am single for the rest of my life?”
“What if I try this tithing thing and go broke?”
“What if something happens to me and I cannot provide for my family?”
“What if I go on this mission trip and something bad happens to me?”
“What if I write this blog post and people take shots at me?”
“What if I preach this sermon and people get mad and leave?”
“What if I make this highly unpopular leadership decision and cause a great degree of uncomfortability?”
You see where I am going, right? We’ve all allowed fear (the wrong kind) to control us to the point to where we beg God to pick us up and make all of the bad stuff go away.
BUT…I believe that many times Jesus puts us right in the middle of the situation we fear the most to prove His power, His faithfulness and to remind us that we are to fear HIM above anyone and anything.
I have learned that when a situation keeps reoccuring in my life that causes me fear and makes me uncomfortable…it is my Heavenly Father placing me in the middle of that fear to help me overcome it. AND…He will keep doing so until I choose to trust Him rather than fear my circumstances.
He’s faithful…and if you are fearful just remember…He’s right there, drawing you to Himself and trying to teach you that by keeping your eyes on Him…there is absolutely nothing to be afraid of.

In life, and especially though our spiritual life, this absolutely repeats itself. Just when we believe in our hearts that we kinda have this "God thing" figured out, we realize all to often' that we are nothing in comparison to God and his plan. Sometimes these seasons of revelation, are blips in time. Others are major events that will speak directly to our heart............that is, if we are willing to be open to God's pleasure........willing to be uncomfortable........willing to surrender. Stepping out in faith is essential for any leader, and for anyone wanting to share the message of Jesus. That initial step may seem insurmountable, but the act of following God's will and call for yourself, will SET YOU FREE. The church, now more than ever, has to follow what breaks God's heart. When we are placed in a situation that is unfamiliar and uncomfortable, remember that you must embrace change, act on faith and live for what's on God's heart.